My experience in New Delhi

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I in New Delhi

My experience in New Delhi

My experience in New Delhi

Why India?

I have to confess that, although India is a country that one should be on your list to visit sometime, I did not plan to go as soon.

In February (2018) He had just returned from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, and it was too early to make another long journey from Mexico to April. The pretext was that as I have some friends from India who lived in Mexico, and at that time one of them was inviting me to collaborate in a technological application, so knowing the other partner, It was also around that time married, and re-join my friend Jitendra, It was an excellent opportunity to meet Indian! One of my biggest dreams was to be in an Indian wedding ...

I rushed as always to seek passage and it was not so expensive, as it was one month of the date proposed.

New Delhi

New Delhi India

New Delhi with my friend Jitendra

It was a very pleasant experience to be greeted by my friend Jitendra, what, Although he lived in Jaipur, He came to see me at the airport in New Delhi, tría clear him a bottle of tequila.

When I travel to other countries, especially in countries with very different cultures from mine, which it is Latin, I like to combine my experiences accommodation. So I turned to couchsurfing to stay in places like this city.

I have to mention that, in India, unlike some other countries when sending requests for accommodation on this platform, just ready to announce your trip; They raining and offers, both for accommodation and people who want to meet for cultural exchange, have fun and show their culture. Amazing!

Traffic and mobility in New Delhi

Another thing that does not go unnoticed for any reason for a visitor's traffic and how to manage in India. In my country, Mexico, We are not the example of compliance with traffic rules and the best way to drive in cities, but India is special in this regard.

India is part of the attraction feel the vibe, risk and "pi-pi-pi" horn being in traffic, because no matter in any way viable divisions or rails, stoplights, if you're in a car, Van, motion, bike, even walking; or the famous "tuk tuk"; that perhaps they were named so by the culture of playing the horn.

To view my video traffic in Delhi:

bikes, Scooters The Scooters

In Asian countries developed it is not very common to use bikes and scooters, as well as being nimble to avoid traffic jams, They are economic. in Jakarta, Indonesia someone told me that represented scooters 3 times the amount of cars, should not be very different here.

further, as in other Asian countries, motorbikes or bicycles carry up 4 occupants, as pictured below.

New Delhi scooters

Weddings in New Delhi

Another attraction for travelers is to visit some weddings where apparently one can engage them in a discreet manner, since they are open.

In this aspect, although religion with more adherents is Hinduism, the type of wedding, their ceremony and celebration depends on the type of religion, their social position and the region of India, since in the north it is different from the celebrations or rituals south. In this case we are located in the north.

Typical weddings in India, at least in the northern part of the country, as in this case Delhi, o Jaipur, where I was, it is customary to take a tour of public roads, and as is the status of the person, middle or high class, the tour is done groom horse or an elephant; the latter for higher economic positions.

It's really fun to be in an Indian wedding, people smile, dances, It makes rituals, eat a variety of typical Indian dishes, etc.

Although I did not lucky enough to witness a wedding with elephant, If I had the opportunity to witness a horse.

Image Hindu wedding. To watch video see here:

Hindu wedding in Delhi

Hindu wedding in Delhi

Spend a few days in India is a very rewarding experience, both for their cultural differences, as everything around this country, including its rapid economic growth and growing power in the world perhaps partly it is driven by human resources focused on the software industry.

In the section on cultural differences I will publish them, all own opinions based on my experiences in particular.